Marino Cardiology and Internal Medicine ♥ Practicing the Heart of Medicine

Our Services

Health screening services such as stress tests, cardiac, abdominal aorta and carotid ultrasounds are performed on site. Arrhythmia monitoring is provided with the use of holter and event monitors.

Carotid Ultrasound

This test enables the doctor to evaluate the patency of your carotid arteries. Narrowing of these arteries is a risk factor for stroke.

This is a non-invasive test performed with the use of an ultrasound transducer after a conductive jelly is applied to the skin. No preparation is required.

Cardiac Ultrasound

A cardiac ultrasound shows the beating heart. The function of the heart and all of its valves are observed and measured. No preparation is required.

Stress Echo

A Stress Echo is a combination of 2 tests, a stress test and cardiac echo as noted above. The function of your heart is evaluated at rest. Then you are attached to a monitor and walk on a treadmill to increase the rate of your heart. When it reaches a calculated rate (based on your age), a repeat echo is performed to evaluate your heart under stress.

If you experience chest discomfort or shortness of breath with exertion, this is an excellent test to rule out cardiac causes.

Holter and event monitoring

These monitors are used to capture irregularities of your heartbeat. Extra beats or arrhythmias are recorded on tape or stored in memory to be retrieved via transmission over the phone. A holter is a self-recording device that you wear for 24 hours. This captures every heartbeat in that period of time. This is used mainly when an arrhythmia occurs fairly frequently. An event monitor is about the size of a beeper. It can be worn for up to 1 month. It is activated by you when you feel a cardiac irregularity or symptom. It makes separate recordings of each event. Each recording lasts 1 minute. This is mainly used when an event happens infrequently such as 1-2 times a week or only when you are doing something, such as exercising.

Cardiac Catheterization

A cardiac catheterization visualizes the vessels of your heart after the injection of a dye. This is administered via a catheter that is threaded to your heart via the femoral artery and aorta. A short stay in the hospital is required for the administration of this test. This is the most definitive test for the evaluation of symptomatic coronary disease, these are done by Dr. Evan F. Marino


ABI stands for ankle/brachial index. This is used to screen for peripheral arterial disease (known as PAD) of the lower extremities. It is performed by a series of blood pressure measurements.

If an abnormality is found, the vasculature of your legs may be further evaluated by an ultrasound.

Pacemaker Clinic

Patients with permanent pacemakers are seen on a scheduled basis (usually every 6 months) for a comprehensive evaluation of their pacemaker activity. This clinic is held on the second Wednesday of the month. St. Jude cardiac defibrillators may also be evaluated.

64 Slice CT angiogram

State of the art 3D visualization of your heart and all of its vessels. This non-invasive CAT Scan shows the accumulation of plaque in your coronary arteries. This machine is the first of its kind in the Merrimack Valley. It is located on Stiles Road in Salem NH. Dr. Marino is certified to read these scans. This test may also be ordered by your primary care physician through this office.

Primary Care

Dr. Anthony Marino and our Nurse Practitioner team provides primary care, which can provide a central point of contact for your medical needs. This includes addressing all health problems and providing curative health promotion as well as preventative care. We are connected with a network of specialists and will make referrals when needed.

Heart Health Education

Focuses on health heart health diet plans, exercise programs and general information. We can provide answers to all of the questions a patient may have regarding medication, lifestyle changes and diet.


We specialize in diagnosing and treating cardiovascular diseases. We are able to order and perform evaluations and procedures here in the office that can help us better understand your unique circumstances. Once we have a baseline for your condition and health status, we can help to better manage your disease and help you to live a fulfilling life.